Cancellation Policy

Last updated August 26, 2024

1. Cancellations, Refunds, and Returns

1.1 Refunds

Except as otherwise agreed to in writing signed by the parties or set forth in the Terms of Service, all fees paid are non-refundable.

1.2 Termination/Cancellation Fees

In the event that Customer cancels or terminates its subscription prior to the end of the Subscription Term (e.g., if a customer signs up for an annual/12-month term contract and cancels after six months), First ELD may immediately charge the customer’s credit card, debit card, or other payment method on file for all remaining fees owed for the remainder of the subscription term.

1.3 Automatic Renewal

Unless otherwise agreed in the applicable Order Form, Customer’s subscriptions will automatically renew at the end of the selected Subscription Term, at which time payment for Customer’s subscriptions will be processed on the default credit card, debit card, or other payment method on file. If Customer is on an annual (or greater term length) subscription, its subscription will be renewed for successive 12-month periods. If Customer is on a monthly subscription, its subscription will be renewed for successive 1-month periods.

1.4 Cancellation Prior to Automatic Renewal

If Customer wishes to cancel before automatic renewal, Customer must contact First ELD Support at or [Insert Phone Number].

2. Hardware Device Returns, Exchanges, and Return Fees

2.1 Returns after Cancellation/Termination

Unless Customer has purchased the Hardware outright (as opposed to Service-Packaged Hardware), Customer must return all Hardware within 30 days from termination or cancellation of its Services. In the event that First ELD determines Customer is eligible for any refunds after termination of its subscription services, any such refund will only be processed after the return of all Hardware to First ELD.

2.2 Exchanges

If Customer exchanges its Hardware for new Hardware for any reason, Customer must return its old Hardware within 30 days of receipt of its new Hardware, or else Customer will be subject to the Fees for Unreturned/Damaged Hardware set forth below.

2.3 Fees for Unreturned/Damaged Hardware

If Customer does not return its Hardware, or returns it in a damaged state, First ELD may charge Customer the Return Fees, as set forth in the Terms of Service.